He's Bad

At present, the clues he could obtain were too few. The only clue was cut off by the other party. If he was asked what method he had, he did not have any.

He wasn't omnipotent. He couldn't conjure up flowers just by thinking about it.

However, one thing was certain: these people would never let him go. As long as he was here, the other party would definitely make a move. However, Xu Bai was in a passive position now, and he didn't like this feeling.

"What do you guys think?"

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that there was no other way.

A clever housewife can't cook without rice. If there were clues, they could still analyze them, but without clues, there was nothing to talk about.

Xu Bai paced back and forth with his arms crossed. He kept thinking about what had happened today.

"First of all, the other party wants to destroy the corpse and cover up the evidence. The things here can definitely expose them, so they don't want me to see them."