Mysterious Man in White, Female Abbey Dean Deal (1)

The ground began to shake violently. The entire area began to shake.

The charred earth was shaking and trembling. At the same time, Xu Bai raised his head and looked at the blood-red sky. His eyes narrowed slightly.

He felt an extremely terrifying pressure spreading. This pressure was countless times stronger than Ting Chen's, causing his scalp to go numb.

"What is this thing approaching?"Xu Bai thought to himself.

He only thought for a moment before he reacted. He hurriedly found a piece of ruins to block his figure.

At this moment, the blood-red color in the sky finally stopped shaking. However, the moment it stopped shaking, dozens of figures were cutting through the blood-red color in the sky not far away.

Xu Bai raised his head and looked into the distance. In his eyes, there were more than ten figures approaching. The leader was a young man in white.