Mysterious Man in White, Female Abbey Dean Deal (3)

Xu Bai felt a terrifying pressure, causing him to frown. However, he was extremely calm at this moment. He did not choose to attack, nor did he choose to do anything else. Instead, he made a decision.

What he needed now was not much time. He only needed half a minute, so he had to drag it out.

Drag? How?

Xu Bai took a deep breath. Suddenly, he grabbed his left arm with one hand and tore it off with great force. Although it was extremely painful, he did not even frown.

Being ruthless to others wasn't called being ruthless, but being ruthless to oneself was the real ruthless person.

Xu Bai circulated his True Core Strength. In the next moment, his left arm was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it returned to normal, and the arm in his hand turned into ashes.

This was his thought.

If it was a lunatic, like the female Abbey Dean, he would really be helpless. After all, there was nothing to talk about with a lunatic.