Mutated Gold Finger (8000)

Xu Bai thought for a while and then prepared himself, indicating that they could begin.

A deal was about integrity. Xu Bai had always paid attention to integrity in his deals.

Of course, he now felt that he had suffered a great loss in this deal with the dog Emperor. He had thought that there was no danger along the way, but in the end, he had risked his life. When he went to the capital…

- -I need to pay more money from the way to go.

The female Abbey Dean didn't care what Xu Bai was thinking. She knew that the time she could stay awake was getting shorter and shorter, so she seized the time and raised her right hand to press on Xu Bai's chest.

When her right hand pressed down on Xu Bai, a huge force surged out. Xu Bai felt a tightness in his chest. Then, he used the Flower Transposition Technique.

Xu Bai pressed his left hand on the Abbey Dean's shoulder and transferred the power to her.