An Unusual Scholar and Progress Bar (3)

Xu Bai grinned and said,"Why did you lose your little life? Is Liu Xu a vixen?""

The scholar's expression changed. He said coldly," Senior Sister Liu is now the chief of the Heaven Inspectorate. She took leave this time to come back mainly because she was waiting for someone. Do you know who she was waiting for?""

"Who is it?" Xu Bai was curious.

The scholar's expression turned even colder."

In his opinion, the person in front of him was not only a lecher, but also an ignorant lecher. He didn't even know who Senior Sister Liu was waiting for, so what knowledge did he have?

However, for some reason, when he said the words 'Bloody Slaughterer Swordman', he felt his hand suddenly tighten. The other party's strength seemed to have increased, and he could feel that the other party seemed to hate him.

"What do you want to do?"The scholar felt the pain in his hand and could not help but raise his voice.