The Dean Returns

The red light shone through the scroll painting, illuminating the entire room in a bright red color. This red color was blood-red, making people unconsciously feel a sense of horror.

Xu Bai was the first to react. He unsheathed the Hundred Splits at his waist and slashed horizontally.

A light flashed, and the scroll was split into two and fell to the ground. The dagger rolled out and was also split into two.

The red patterns on the dagger were gradually dimming and disappearing.

The moment the red light appeared, Xu Bai felt an inexplicable danger. This danger made him pull out the Hundred Splits.

"Not good!" Liu Xu stood up abruptly and turned to look outside the room.

At this moment, along with the rumbling sound, the sound of soft footsteps came from outside the room. The footsteps gradually grew louder, and soon, there was the sound of discussion, noisy and irritable.