The Dean Returns (4)

The door was opened, and a terrifying blood-red light flashed inside. The door was quickly closed, and the blood-red light disappeared in an instant.

The room was dark, and the windows were tightly shut. This kind of thick darkness was a little scary.

The teacher looked around and said softly,""Are you there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blood-red light suddenly lit up in the dark room. The entire room was red. In the corner of the room, a shadow whose face could not be seen suddenly appeared.

"Zhuge Wen, if you come to find me at this time, what if you are followed? Are you crazy?"

A hoarse voice came out from the shadows. It was filled with an inexplicable evilness that made people tremble when they heard it.

Zhuge Wen shivered and said," It's alright. I've already checked when I came. No one is following me. Don't worry.""

The shadow fell silent.