It's My Turn to Act Tough (5)

On the square, all the monks present were stunned when they saw this scene. Just a moment ago, the Buddhist light descended from the sky and isolated the entire Titanium Temple. They could not get out at all.

Now that they saw this unexpected scene, not many people could react in time.

The abbots of the ten great temples looked at each other and saw a trace of despair in each other's eyes.

The Holy Buddha skeleton was transferring its bones to No Flower's body. If it was really transferred, then the Holy Buddha, Devil Buddha, and Buddha would be one.

"One wrong step leads to more mistakes." One of the temple's priests said sympathetically,"Now, it's us who have harmed the entire Buddhist Sect."

"It's not time to lose yet." " We still have a way," the abbot said." Hurry up and tell everyone here about the Holy Buddha's intentions. Then, let them fight with us using Wu Hua's body as the battlefield. We'll have a final battle with the Holy Buddha's skeleton.""