I Bring Chaos, Slaying Buddha (4)

Every time he waved his hand, the surrounding Buddhist chants faded a little, and Xu Bai seemed to be tireless, endlessly displaying the chaos in his body.

The gold and the grayish-white color continued to twist and fuse. As he waved it, a strange aura actually derived from it.


This was revealed by the golden change in the sky. Xu Bai had a hint of understanding in his heart. This might be the change in his future, but he had already experienced it temporarily.

Chaos and order were opposing each other, but it was precisely because of this opposition that unimaginable energy erupted.

The surrounding Buddhist chants finally couldn't resist it anymore. It was like ice meeting fire and instantly collapsed.


The Sacred Buddha let out a miserable cry and spat out blood. The blood burned into a strange flame in the air.

Cracks appeared on the huge Buddha statue behind him and it turned into ashes in an instant.