Indestructible Devil Soul Buddha Body (3)

Xu Bai understood. No Flower could only use it to the Transcendent Realm, so the stronger No Flower was, the stronger he would be.

In other words, the benefits to Xu Bai were even better than the Abbey Dean's.

The female abbey dean's wood carving could increase his progress bar, and No Flower's was even more impressive.

As No Flower's strength increased, did that mean that he would be able to see a new progress bar every once in a while?

"A chicken that can lay eggs. This is definitely a chicken that can lay eggs."Xu Bai rubbed his hands hard, his face full of excitement.

He had once had an idea that was especially suicidal. He really wanted to tie the female Abbey Dean up and let her carve wood for him every day. Of course, that was just an idea.

Now, he wanted to tie No Flower up. It was also an idea.