Indestructible Devil Soul Buddha Body (5)

No Flower sighed and said,"Almsgiver Xu, you really don't have the root of wisdom. Why don't you forget about it?""

"I'll let it go this time. Xu Bai said with a smile.

"This time?" No Flower asked."

Xu Bai nodded and said with a gratified expression,"Brother Wuhua, you have to seize the time to increase your strength. In the future, when I'm free, I'll come over and discuss new ideas for Buddhism with you."

In front of him, the flower was no longer the same flower, but a heartless progress bar production machine.

"Let's go." Xu Bai didn't say anything else and turned to leave. He left in a hurry, leaving No Flower standing there in a daze.

He had to hurry because the progress bar on the black lotus had already finished. Light blue words were appearing. He had to avoid special effects due to obtaining skills.

Xu Bai rushed back to his room as fast as he could with the fastest speed he could get. He slammed the door shut and looked at the void in front of him.