Strange Battlefield (2)

The border was so long that the soldiers had already been sent out, so it was reasonable that there were not many soldiers.

"Your Highness, it's just ahead." The First Prince pointed to a tent at the very front.

The tent looked ordinary and was no different from the surrounding tents. It blended perfectly with the environment.

After the First Prince brought Xu Bai to the door, he shouted into the room,"Second Uncle, I'm back. I have some special encounters that I need to report to you."

After such a big incident, even the prince almost died. Of course, he had to report to King You Sheng. Just as he finished speaking, King You Sheng's voice came from the tent.

"Let the soldiers find a place to rest. You and Xu brat can come in."

Sheng You King was an expert, so he knew Xu Bai was here.

There was not much surprise in his tone.