The Strange Ruins (4)

Man-eating old Taoist priest?

Xu Bai already knew that this person was familiar with the things in the mountains.

To be able to say the name of the man-eating old priest meant that he knew about the Taoist temple.

However, he did not say anything else and made up an excuse.

"The abbot of the Taoist temple asked me to stay for the night, but I saw that it was still early, so I didn't stay and left directly."Xu Bai sighed and pretended to be unlucky.""Who would have thought that the sky would turn dark so quickly that I would lose my way. Brother Ju, can you help me? I really can't walk anymore."

The scad stretched out its palm the size of a palm-leaf fan and rubbed its fat face, muttering,""Strange, strange. The old Taoist priest eats human flesh every day. How could he let go of such a delicacy?"

However, this muttering did not last long. With just one or two sentences, the trevally quickly returned to normal.

"What line of work are you in?"