Really? I Don't Believe It (2)

"Your bones!" The trevally licked its lips and revealed a greedy look in its eyes."I've tried, I've tried many times. Look at these things."

He quickly turned around and ran to a house. With both hands on the house, the house collapsed in an instant.

The trevally continued to rummage through the ruins, and pieces of human skin were dug out by him, falling to the ground.

He explained in detail while showing it to Xu Bai.

"Look at these. They are all ordinary people's skin. After their bones were removed, there was no way to rely on spiritual fish to mend them."

"I was thinking that if it was someone in the industry, the spiritual fish would be able to replenish his body. This way, I would have a perfect plan."

"You asked me to break your bones. After I eat your bones, I'll feed the spiritual fish. When it matures, we'll split it in half. Your bones can also grow back."

The trevally's eyes became more and more crazy, and its greed became more and more abundant.