The Journey to Great Yue (1)

Xu Bai thought that Lord Sheng was talking about other things with him, but in the end, they were talking about Qingfeng Liu.

Actually, Xu Bai only knew a portion of the information regarding Liu Qingfeng.

It was said that his madness was due to his self-created indestructible body. Later on, he wanted to study the method of divine soul indestructibility.

In the end, his divine soul was completely gone, and he had reached his current state.

At least that was what everyone was saying at the moment. However, now that King Sheng You was telling him that there was another meaning, it piqued his curiosity.

Xu Bai didn't say anything. He knew that Sheng You King would say it.

Since the beginning was already made, it would be inappropriate to not continue.

Sure enough, after waiting for a short while, King You Sheng continued to speak and continued to speak.