Beauty Like a Viper (2)

Zhong Ruqin raised her foot and walked to the spot where the shadow was broken. She placed her foot on it. In the next moment, the shadow overlapped with her and returned to its original state.

After doing all this, she raised her foot and licked her lips. She went to the door and opened it.

Many of the merchants outside the room had already fallen asleep, but there were still some who could not fall asleep. When the door opened, they saw Zhong Ruqin walking in wearing only a green dress.

The people who were still awake had burning expressions on their faces. They kept looking at Zhong Ruqin as if they wanted to rub her into their bodies.

At this moment, a gentle breeze blew past. The merchants present suddenly felt very tired and quickly fell asleep.

Divine soul attack?

Xu Bai also felt that something was wrong.