New Skill (1)

Xu Bai didn't doze off at the mention of this. He could talk about this all night.

When praising oneself, if it was in front of an acquaintance, it might not be easy to praise. However, if it was in front of a stranger, the praise would be like a torrential river, endless.

Was he handsome?

Of course, he was handsome. His face was indeed very handsome.

And he wasn't lying. He was indeed handsome.

Xu Bai continued,""Not only is he extremely handsome, but his figure is also tall and straight. He naturally exudes a kind of temperament that makes countless women fall in love with him. In short, he is a handsome and elegant genius."

Xu Bai was so thick-skinned that he didn't care about anything at all. The more he praised, the more excited he became. After nearly five minutes, he finally stopped.