Shadow Moon, Testing (3)

Xu Bai didn't say anything else and walked out.

There was nothing to ask now, and if he left directly, it would be a reflection of his current status.

The middle-aged man followed Xu Bai to the door. Then, he saw Xu Bai leave and return to his original position.


After leaving the coffin shop, Xu Bai returned to the medicine shop. After cleaning up the corpse on the ground, he sat on the chair and took out the human skin, ready to continue the liver progress bar.

As for the sachet, he did not open it now. After all, he would only open it in a critical moment, so he had always placed it in the most intimate position and carefully kept it.

The blood on the human skin had long been cleaned up.

Xu Bai calmly scanned the screen. Although he couldn't understand the words on it, as he carefully looked at it, the progress bar was slowly increasing.