Eunuch Wei Can Exchange One for for One in the World of the Sage Stage (8000)

"Perhaps it was because of my appearance that the follow-up plan changed."

If he couldn't figure it out, then he would stop thinking about it.

Xu Bai didn't want to think about this matter. He stretched lazily and continued to take out the human skin. He started to check the progress bar.

The night was very cold and the street outside was dark. Other than the sound of the night watch, there was no other sound.

Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, several days had passed while Xu Baigan was checking the progress bar.


Over the past few days, the golden progress bar had been completed halfway, but there was still another half that had not been completed. The more Xu Bai rushed down the progress bar, the more he sighed.

If it wasn't for the fact that his current strength didn't allow him to, he really wanted to go to the Bizarre Market again to speed up his cheat.