Destined, Three-Lives Mountain

Xu Bai had never expected that he would meet Ying Yue in such a way.

He really wanted to say," I'm very sorry to know you in this state."

At this moment, Ying Yue's eyes were shining as she pounced towards Xu Bai. However, Xu Bai's footsteps flashed, causing Ying Yue to miss.

In Xu Bai's eyes, Ying Yue's eyes seemed to have transformed into the shape of stars, and her face was filled with extreme excitement.

Excited? Why was he excited?

Xu Bai had only seen this expression on the face of the girl from Miaojiang.

He had already seen this expression when he was talking to Shadow Moon about himself. However, he had never expected that Shadow Moon would actually lose control at this moment.

Just as she missed, Ying Yue immediately turned around and continued to pounce over, speaking incoherently.

"It's alive, it's really alive. Quick, let me touch it and see if there's a heartbeat?"

"Don't hide. Hey, why are you hiding?"