The Terrifying Prime Minister in White

Seeing that half a year was almost up, Xu Bai took advantage of this period of time to focus on the progress bar and finally finished all the progress bars.

For nearly half a year, he really wanted to say, do you know how I've been through this half a year?

It was a very comfortable life.

That's right, it was really nourishing.

There was a progress bar every day, and it was an extremely enjoyable life. If Xu Bai was here alone, he might feel bored, bored, or even unable to continue working.

However, there was another person here, and it was a woman. It was an extremely beautiful woman. Although she was a little flat, she was beautiful.

Chatting from time to time, chatting, and checking the progress bar, these days were so beautiful.

Under such a pleasant environment, the progress bar was finally completed as scheduled.

Xu Bai couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the words formed by the light blue smoke in front of him and the new attribute panel.