Little Gold, Get Him!(8000)_1

Although he wasn't sure if this method would work, it was the only solution for his current situation.

Right now, no one could help him. The only one who could help him was himself.

Looking at the giant hand that was slowly descending and the words that appeared on its hand, it carried an extremely powerful pressure that caused the world to change color.

Xu Bai slowly opened his mouth and said two words…


Just as the hand was about to land on Xu Bai, it turned a corner and landed on the ground a thousand meters behind Xu Bai.

A loud sound shook the earth, and everything within a thousand miles was razed to the ground.

Xu Bai turned around and looked at the mess behind him. He wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead.

Damn it, if this hand landed on his body, although he wouldn't die, he would definitely be seriously injured and might even lose the ability to resist.

So this was one of the top nine Saint Realm masters in the world?