Looks Like a Person (2)

From the outside, the forest looked like an open mouth, waiting for food to fall into its trap.

In ancient times, people often said that one should not enter the forest. This was also a saying in the art of war. It was to be careful of ambushes. After all, one could not see the truth in the forest.

However, looking at the dark forest in front of him, Xu Bai thought of a folk story he knew.

Very few people knew this story. He had heard it from the older generation.

In the forest at night, there were all kinds of spirits and ghosts.

It was said that there was a scholar who rushed to take the examination. Because he had to hurry up, he walked into the forest at night and never came out again.

Some people said that he was blinded by a ghost, while others said that he was bitten by a wolf or a tiger. In short, he was in danger.

"With the current situation, is it obvious that there's something inside?"Xu Bai rubbed his chin and looked at the forest carefully.