Looks Like a Person (4)

Xu Bai held his saber, not because he wanted to pose, but because the feeling of being half-emptied in an instant made him feel very uncomfortable.

To make a very simple analogy, when you were full of energy, you would feel very uncomfortable when half of it was suddenly emptied.

"So I can already walk unhindered among Transcendents now?"Xu Bai thought.

Originally, he was only a first-grade Transcendent. At most, he could fight a fourth-grade or fifth-grade existence. With this saber, he could fight around a seventh-grade.

However, with the Sword and Sword Tribulations, a ninth grade Transcendent skill, he was actually able to rely on this skill, along with the saber and Yin and Yang Coexistence, to advance to the ninth grade Transcendent realm.

Of course, this so-called ninth grade Transcendent only had two slashes, and it was relatively weak.