All-Out War and Soul Destruction (2)

"Wait!" Sun Lan interrupted," I already have the soul of a human, so I'm no longer a demon. I no longer hate the living. Besides, I'm useful to you!""

"Oh?" Xu Bai stroked his chin."

Sun Lan answered quickly, afraid that Xu Bai would snap her neck if she answered too late.""Sooner or later, there will be a war between the Bizarre Market and the human world. It's just a matter of time. However, I know a lot of secret information about the Bizarre Market."

Xu Bai was speechless.

When Sun Lan said this, Xu Bai felt more and more awkward.

He looked at Director Mu, meaning to ask him how to deal with it.

This thing should be related to the Heaven Inspectorate and had nothing to do with him.

"Leave it to me," Director Mu said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Sun Lan spoke.

"He's very terrifying. I don't want to be with him!"