The Situation Has Changed (2)

"If we really count, there are a total of five. This is a very terrifying number."

"After you return, even if you manage to fight for the position, even if Liu Yue agrees to submit to you, there will only be two."

"What for?"

Every time Gu Muyin said a sentence, he kept emphasizing his tone.

When he finished his last sentence, he shut his mouth.

There was no other reason than that he saw Bai Zhong unsheathing the treasured saber at his waist.

"What do you want? I've already told you. You should understand the seriousness of the matter."Gu Muyin was puzzled.

When he received the news of the death of the Emperor of the Great Yue State, he knew that Bai Zhong would come up with this move. Therefore, he hurriedly ran over and stopped Bai Zhong.

This was also beneficial to them. If Bai Zhong left, they would be devoured by the Great Yue State again.