Eunuch Wei: Leave A Baby (8000)

Xu Bai's hand that was holding out his chopsticks stopped, and he instantly lost his appetite.

"We're eating. Don't talk about such disgusting things."

"Am I a disgusting thing to you?" The Ninth Princess laughed."

Xu Bai nodded naturally."

The Ninth Princess was stunned on the spot, her eyes wide open.

This answer made her immediately put out the fire.

" I know what you want," Xu Bai said slowly." I've already made a suggestion to His Majesty, but this is your family matter after all, so I can only make a little suggestion.""

He did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

The Ninth Princess 'eyes lit up. What do you mean?"

Xu Bai took another bite of food."

Hearing this, the Ninth Princess 'eyes dimmed.

She picked up the wine pot beside her and poured herself a cup. She raised her head and drank it. Because she drank too quickly, the wine spilled out of her lips and flowed down her fair neck.