The Books Are All Mine!(8000)_3

The sky gradually darkened. They had brought a lot of people with them this time, so they didn't use their fastest speed, so they didn't arrive at the scheduled location until the afternoon.

When Xu Bai saw the magnificent palace in front of him and the houses on both sides of the street, he fell into deep thought.

The palace was not the palace. The palace in this world referred to the vassal king.

"Was this really built in a short period of time?"

He couldn't believe it. Although he knew that people in the construction industry would be very fast, he didn't expect it to be this fast. It was simply unbelievable.

"Husband, there are many people coming this time. Look over there."Chu Ling held onto Xu Bai's arm and pointed in a direction.

Xu Bai turned his head and looked in that direction. He saw a cloud of dust moving in the distance, and he could even hear the sound of clanging coming from the cloud of dust.