Many Saviors

Not long ago, he thought that the huge eye was coming for him, but now it seemed that the huge eye did not come at all. To be precise, everything in front of him seemed to be fake.

As for what caused it?

He wasn't sure.

However, everything in front of her eyes indicated a problem. It seemed to have something to do with that fat man.

When she was talking to the fat man just now, the fat man had mentioned a "him".

From the looks of it, this eye was 'him'.

Xu Bai didn't do anything. He just watched quietly, looking forward to what would happen next.

The fat man in front of him was wearing a monk's robe. To be precise, he should be a monk.

He was constantly kneeling and begging for mercy. The surrounding corpses formed a strong contrast with his begging actions and figure.

In the sky, that eye was emotionless as it stared downwards.

"As long as you spare my life, Wu Nan will definitely be at your beck and call. I can even do anything for you."