The Savior and the Organization

Although the boy was half a step into the mortal evolution state, it was nothing to Gao Guan.

Unable to move, he could only raise his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

"I am the savior!"

The first sentence stunned everyone present.

Xu Bai rubbed his chin and raised his eyebrows slightly.


If it was the Savior who was at the half-step Extraordinary realm at such a young age, then everything made sense.

However…There seemed to be something that didn't make sense.

Seven or eight years old was still too big.

Sure enough, as soon as this thought appeared, Gao Guan spoke.

"It hasn't been that long since the Savior was discovered, but why are you so old?"

" I really don't," the little boy said hurriedly." But I'm growing very fast. If you don't believe me, look at her. She's growing very fast too.""

As he spoke, the little boy raised his hand and pointed at the baby girl beside him.