Wu Hua's Killing Tribulation (2)

The strange man who was laughing suddenly froze, and his face turned solemn.

Just as the black lotus released its light, he suddenly felt his heart palpitate as if he was being stared at by something terrifying. Moreover, this feeling was gradually spreading.

"Impossible, a mortal evolution state, even if he's infinitely close to the extraordinary state, he can't beat me."

After this thought appeared, the palpitation he felt just now was thrown to the back of his mind.

At this moment, Flowerless finally moved. When the black lotus released a dazzling light, the petal at the edge suddenly broke and scattered in the air.

No Flower opened his eyes and bent his middle finger, clasping it with his thumb. At the same time, he aimed it at the petals floating in the air.


A dull sound rang out, and the petals turned into black fog with No Flower's flick.