Mountain of Corpses and Sea of Blood (3)

"Don't, don't kill me, I beg you!"

Seeing that Xu Bai had already stood up, Zhou Sheng walked towards him with an indifferent expression. His legs were trembling as he begged.

Xu Bai was emotionless. He slowly raised his right hand and pointed at Zhou Sheng with his index finger.

The madness in the surroundings seemed to have found a point to pour out, and all of it poured out toward Zhou Sheng.

In the next moment, Zhou Sheng's eyes turned red. He raised his head and roared, letting out a miserable cry.

His eyes were filled with madness. He lowered his head and looked at his hands. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed his wings crazily, tearing them apart.


In an instant, the sky was filled with blood mist, dyeing the entire sky red.

Zhou Sheng's life force was gradually weakening. He turned around and looked at Xu Bai. The madness in his eyes was still burning like fire.

"I... Know Who You Are! You are…"