Each Using a Dark Move

When Xu Bai said this, the four-eyed demon suddenly felt like laughing. He didn't even try to hide it and laughed out loud.

Not only did he laugh, but the other monsters also laughed loudly.

The laughter lasted for a long time before it gradually stopped. Xu Bai did not disturb them. Seeing that they were laughing happily, he laughed along.

Then, the laughter gradually stopped, and the four-eyed demon's expression gradually turned cold, his tone carrying a hint of disdain.

"I know what you want to say. You mean that you're a danger in front of us, and it's a good thing that you're gone."

"But you don't quite understand. Sometimes, people aren't that important. Moreover, you're alone now, and we're the majority here."

"I know you're very strong because you can kill Zhou Sheng. Although you're only a ninth-grade Transcendent, you can kill a peak Saint Warrior. This proves that you have some secret methods."