Meeting the Chu Emperor (2)

As he spoke, he seemed to be in a hurry and was about to turn around to leave. However, before he could take two steps, he felt a murderous aura coming from behind him.

The four-eyed demon and the other seven saint demons turned around at the same time. They looked at the nine saint demons opposite them and frowned.

"All of you…Was he planning to have a final battle?"

The man in white smiled sinisterly." You're right. Actually, I have to thank that guy just now. He reminded me that at this time, it's best to cut the Gordian knot quickly."

"When I made this decision, I was already planning to let go of the Bizarre Humanoid Market. If I can even let go of something as important as the Bizarre Humanoid Market, I'll definitely have greater gains. Now is the time."

"Nine against eight, our chances of winning are very high!"