The Truth of the World (2)

He did not read these two books because the current environment was unstable. He needed to return to Great Chu before he could slowly read them.

As he followed this direction, a circular pattern soon appeared in front of him.

Xu Bai descended from the sky and took out the token from his waist. The True Core Strength in his body surged toward the token.

Just as he was about to activate the token, he suddenly felt a powerful pressure coming from afar. This pressure did not bring him any danger because it was from the direction of the battlefield.

"Looks like they've already started fighting." Xu Bai thought to himself.

A battle of this level was not something he could participate in.

He didn't think too much about it and continued to activate the token in his hand.

Soon, the circular pattern reacted. Xu Bai's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.


Outside, on an island.