Heading to the Miao Sect (1)

"My daughter is even more ridiculous than me. How is that possible? I've never seen anyone more ridiculous than me."

Xu Bai said that he was the most ridiculous one. He had never seen anyone more ridiculous than him.

Director Mu added," You are indeed ridiculous. But in terms of knowledge, Eunuch Wei is more knowledgeable than me. After all, he is old. You know how old people are.""

Director Mu often seized the opportunity to attack Eunuch Wei, so he was mocking Eunuch Wei for being too old.

Of course, Director Mu was very curious because he didn't know what happened to Xu Bai's daughter. However, Eunuch Wei seemed to know.

Eunuch Wei had wanted to argue with Xu Bai, but when he thought of how anxious Xu Bai was, he put the matter aside and temporarily gave up on bickering.

He raised the wine jar and drank the remaining wine before speaking slowly.