Yun Zihai's Dream and the Arrival (2)

As soon as he finished speaking, the white-robed man in the mirror fell silent for a long time.

After this scene appeared, the Barbarian Grand Magus knew that he had made the right move. He organized his words and continued.

"I know that you want Xu Bai dead, but I am a person who values benefits the most. I can see that you are already at a disadvantage, so I have to leave a way out for myself. I will replace Xu Bai and exchange for their trust."

" If you tell me why you are so confident, maybe I will kill Xu Bai. But if you don't tell me, I will hand Xu Bai over to them and let Xu Bai live. At the same time, I will also let myself live.""

"It's up to you whether you want to say it or not. Anyway, the choice is already in front of you."

At this point, the Great Barbarian Sorcerer became more unyielding.