Entering the Bizarre Market Again, Something Happened to Emperor Chu (2)

At this moment, the snow on the ground suddenly trembled and fused in the air, turning into a black stream of water.

The black stream of water was extremely fast, and it headed straight for the Chu Emperor, making it impossible for anyone to dodge.

The Chu Emperor instinctively turned his body to the side, narrowly avoiding the black water current.

The black water flow lost its direction and suddenly exploded, turning into countless gases that dissipated in the air.

Right at this moment, a hint of emotion appeared in the Chu Emperor's originally blank, wooden eyes.

It was small at first, but it was gradually expanding.

In the blink of an eye, it had already covered the Chu Emperor's eyes.

The hollow expression was gone, replaced by an unimaginable coldness.


The Chu Emperor let out a sigh from his throat, and then it turned into a cold voice.