Large-scale Death (1)

A sharp pain spread throughout his body. Zhang Chen hugged his head and fell to the ground, twitching non-stop.

Green blood vessels emerged from his eyes, occupying the entire white of his eyes.

The green-robed man, Du Langjun, slowly walked a few steps and squatted in front of Zhang Chen, revealing a terrifying smile.

" Sigh, it's a pity that if there wasn't someone who gave me a mission, I wouldn't be willing to do anything to you. After all, all the poison techniques in the world originated from me, and you are also my inheritance.""

"Uh, uh…" Zhang Chen's throat felt as if there were thousands of knives scraping his throat. He could not say a word and could only make a whining sound.

Du Langjun gently patted Zhang Chen's head and said with a smile,""Don't worry, everyone in your clan is dead. I poisoned them myself, so they will accompany you."


When Zhang Chen heard this, he spat out a mouthful of blood.