Caught in the Trap (1)

It was only at this moment, after everyone had left, that she fell into deep thought.

What she said just now, that she had a way to solve it, was actually just an excuse.

If there was really a way, she would have taken action long ago. Now, she was in a stalemate. She could drag the other party down, but time did not allow it. There was a new path, but there was no way for her to do it for the time being.

If he said it directly, it would make everyone lose their confidence and hit their morale. At this critical moment, morale was extremely important and could not be hit in the slightest.

Ning Weiyue stood up and walked back and forth. The armor on his body rattled like weapons colliding, giving off a shocking sound of metal clashing.

This sea area was vast. The blue sky was like a curtain, and it felt a little unreal. The white clouds embedded in the blue were like stitches on the curtain, looking a little illusory.