Master Finally Came Out!_1

Every word carried a destructive might that made people tremble in fear. After everyone saw it, they all trembled.

Even Ning Weiyue gripped the long sword at his waist tightly, his knuckles turning white.

Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually very frightened inside.

This was the power of a Saint Warrior. No one could resist it. Even a Saint Warrior was like an ant in front of a Saint Warrior.

The power of this move had already shaken the hearts of everyone present.


The booming sounds continued. Every word that fell brought with it a loud bang.

As the words fell, the sea area rose up, connecting the sky and the earth, causing people to feel a chill in their hearts.

In the sky, connected to the seawater, the ground began to sink. The power of the words caused the seawater to evaporate rapidly, and the sea level decreased at a visible rate.