I Call It Blue Star (Finale)

The pure white door disappeared.

A Wu watched Tian Xing's back as he left and did not speak for a long time.

After walking in the sky, she seemed to sense something different. She felt that there was something that was connected to her.

Ah Wu tried to sense it. In the instant he sensed it, the surrounding space began to gradually change.

In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in the void.

This place was dark and chaotic, boundless.

In front of Ah Wu, a shrunken world the size of a fist appeared.

Ah Wu could easily sense every blade of grass and tree inside, and even the life inside.

" This is the world where Xu Bai is. So Tian Xing brought him here. No wonder…" Ah Wu muttered to himself.

She thought of what Tian Xing had said not long ago and could not help but be a little lost in thought.


In the world formed by resentment, Xu Bai was sitting cross-legged, looking at the man who was as tall as a mountain in front of him.