
After Li Chengqian and He Hongyan arrived at Dragon City, they were received at the airport by a limousine from Baidu Corporation.

The two of them went straight to the headquarters of Baidu Corporation where the control center was.

"President Li, this is our company's internal network. Can you remove the control of the servers and software here?" He Hongyan smiled apologetically.

Through their conversations on the journey, He Hongyan realized that his loss was not in vain.

He was full of admiration for Li Chengqian's mastery of structural network construction, operating system, programming, and other related areas.

Many things that were difficult for He Hongyan to understand and solve became simple and straightforward upon Li Chengqian's explanation.

On the journey from Tianyi City to Dragon City, He Hongyan shamelessly asked him questions on all the technical difficulties he had encountered in the past few years.