Special Recruitment Conditions

At the Divine Dragon Software Company.

Ever since the investigation team took the relevant equipment away for investigation, the atmosphere at the Divine Dragon Software Company had been very depressed and tense.

The atmosphere in the Company used to be lighthearted and relaxed, it was now dull and somber.

Because the future was unknown, no one felt like talking.

Then the Cyberspace Administration Office made the official Statement after their investigations.

"Everyone, look. The results of the investigations are out!"

"Everyone, look, the results are out. They have cleared the name of the Divine Dragon Software Company. It was Tencent Corporation that framed us!"

"That's great. Our company is out of trouble!"

The heavy mood in the Company was instantly lifted, and there was a buzz in the Company.

After everyone finished reading the Statement, they broke into smiles and became cheerful again.