You are Under Arrest

"Thank you, the great Windows, for giving us this opportunity to make money." Wu Shudian looked at the balance in his bank card again with a smile on his face.

He had previously ordered two brainwave receivers for the company.

He had filed a compensation claim on one of them.

According to Windows' incentive policy, he only needed to return the principal to the company. The 200,000 yuan he obtained from the claim was his.

"Today's order for the other brainwave receiver will also expire at noon. I can file for compensation again. The Divine Dragon Software Company would have to compensate me 200,000 yuan. Awesome!" Thinking of this, Wu Shudian became excited.

Then, he opened the work group and began to dispatch work.

"Colleagues, our work has been very effective. The Divine Dragon Software Company has already suffered a huge loss."

"Today, we will continue to guide users on the internet and lead them to claim compensation with us!"