Fatal Problem

Li Chengqian took a deep look at the female reporter, his eyes cold.

She wanted to use this question to send Li Chengqian into the abyss.

She looked beautiful and sexy, but she was actually after his life.

If he didn't pay attention, her question might cost him his life.

However, Li Chengqian didn't panic at all. This was because he had already considered these problems carefully. If he hadn't considered the employment issues and other social problems that might be caused by the intelligent software, he wouldn't have dared to announce these advanced software.

"Madam, the question you raised just now happened to be something I wanted to tell everyone."

"Actually, I know that many people are worried that once automated software is used on a large scale, once automated factories appear in large quantities, many workers will be laid off and many practitioners in related industries will lose their jobs."

"Without a job, there's no food."