Eat, Shock

"This aroma is so special…" The logistics leader, Li Jiong, sniffed. He was a foodie and had tasted all kinds of food.

There were very few things in this world that he had not eaten.

However, this was the first time he had smelled such a special aroma.

"I wonder how it tastes?" Li Jiong's gaze landed on the Great Buckthorn fruits that Dai Liming took out. They were like yellow jade. He couldn't stop salivating, and the foodie in him suddenly acted up.

"Because the effect is very good, I thought of how the leaders are usually very busy with work and are very tired every day. If there are no side effects, this fruit will be very useful to the leaders."

"In order to confirm the effect and safety of the Great Buckthorn fruit, I have asked Doctor Wu You to conduct a comprehensive examination of the composition of the fruit…"

"After examination, we found that the composition of the Great Buckthorn fruit is very safe!"