Electromagnetic Flying Device

In the public square outside the project department, He Hongyan led a large group of people to walk Li Chengqian out.

Because this place was relatively high, he could see the concrete mixers at the foot of the mountain.

He Hongyan glanced at the road and realized that the road was completely occupied by the concrete mixers. He smiled and said to Li Chengqian.

"Boss, the road back is blocked by the concrete mixers now. You can't go back even if you want to."

"It's almost time for dinner. Most of these vehicles will leave after dinner."

The others looked at the endless line of vehicles and said one after another, "That's right, Boss. Even if you set off now, you'll be blocked on the road."

Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "I won't have dinner! You must help me expedite the construction of the biological research center. This is more important than anything else."

"Traffic jam? No way."