Half a Captain Planet. Gana's Actions 1

A huge map of Divine Dragon Country was placed in the middle of the conference room!

After the meeting started, the relevant personnel of the countries who applied to join Divine Dragon took out the Merger Declarations and humbly presented them to Lin Tian.

The Water Bay representative spoke in a conflicted tone. "We give up all rights and merge with Divine Dragon, becoming a part of the Divine Dragon."

"From now on, our country will be a territory of Divine Dragon!"

"Everyone is a citizen of Divine Dragon!"

"We hope that you will treat all our people well!"

"Please accept our Merger Declaration and the map of the former Water Bay!" Her tone was extremely sincere.

Lin Tian smiled and said in a clear voice, "We will give all citizens of Divine Dragon the same protection! Don't worry!"

"The Divine Dragon's weapons will protect all its people!"

"Your choice to merge with Divine Dragon is the wisest choice."