Fire, Angry Observer 3

The Gana race named this ability spatial displacement!

As long as the right position was found, spatial displacement could allow the teleportation to hundreds of light-years away.

"We, the Gana race, are a civilization that controls the stars! We can make stars at will!"

"We, the Gana race, can control space and can move faster than light. We can cross hundreds of light-years in an instant. The vastness of the universe can't stop us!"

"We are cosmic lifeforms. We don't need the protection of the planet's atmosphere to survive in the universe. After we grow up, we will be cosmic celestial bodies!"

"We have mastered the secrets of carbon-based life and silicon-based life. We can create life at will, encode DNA, and create unprecedented life!"

"We are the most advanced civilization in the Milky Way."

"A primitive civilization that has just begun exploring galaxies wants to fight us? What a joke."